Noul Citroen C3 II facelift 2013

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Moderator: Echipa Tehnica

Mesaje: 723
Membru din: Joi 23-Feb-2012 10:03
Localitate: Iasi
Masina: Renault Scenis 2, 1.6 b, 2006

Noul Citroen C3 II facelift 2013

Mesajde Vasea30 » Vin 22-Feb-2013 14:35 ... ft-geneva/

Citroen C3 facelift to debut at Geneva motor show

The second-gen Citroen C3 has been given a minor mid-life refresh and is heading for a Geneva debut. The car’s set to launch in the UK in late spring with a range of petrol, diesel and diesel-hybrid powerplants.

These include the new-generation PureTech three-cylinder petrols in 1.0 VTi 68 and 1.2 VTi 82 formats, which the company says are 15% more powerful and 25% more fuel efficient than their predecessors. A 1.6 litre VTi 120 is also available. On the diesel side, there are HDi 70, HDi 90, e-HDi 70 and e-HDi 115 powerplants; the latter two being the diesel-hybrids, offered with start-stop.

The refreshed Citroen C3 gets a new face with updated chevrons, LED DRLs and a restyled grille. New tail lamp clusters too, along with new reflectors underneath the rear bumper. The cabin also gets enhanced upholstery choices.

A new Ink blue body colour joins the existing eight on offer, and the panoramic Zenith windscreen is retained, stretching up into the roof to improve forward visibility. Where dimensions are concerned, the updated Citroen C3 is 3.94 metres long and 1.71 metres wide, and its boot offers a generous 300 litres of space.

Items on the equipment list include a reverse camera, parking sensors, an RD4 MP3 audio system, Connecting Box (Bluetooth hands-free kit, jack plug and USB) and eMyWay navigation.





Citroen previews facelifted C3 ahead of Geneva debut

Peugeot-owned Citroen has lifted the veil off of the redesigned 2013 C3 sub-compact ahead of its scheduled debut at the Geneva Motor Show early next month.

Stretching 155 inches long and 67 inches wide, the C3 fights in the same highly-competitive market segment as the Volkswagen Polo and the Ford Fiesta but it is only offered as a five-door hatchback.

For 2013, Citroen's bread-and-butter model adopts the same front end that was inaugurated last year on the Brazilian version of the car. It gains a new grille that is adorned by the company's trademark chevron emblem and a row of LED daytime running lights mounted beneath each headlight. The modifications carried out to the back of the car are very minor and largely limited to redrawn tail lamps.

Several new hubcap designs and a bespoke shade of blue called Bleu Encre help give the Botoxed C3 a more dynamic appearance than the outgoing model.

Inside, the C3 is fitted with a new instrument cluster that is said to be easier to read. Well-equipped trim levels come with a color touch screen, a first in the nameplate's 11-year long history, while entry-level models retain the antiquated orange LCD display.

The biggest changes are found by popping the hood. The C3 is now available with Peugeot's new 1.0- and 1.2-liter three-cylinder gasoline engines, which reduce fuel consumption and emissions while providing roughly the same amount of power as a larger four-cylinder unit. Buyers who prefer burning diesel can choose from a wide selection of HDi four-cylinders that range from 70 to 115 horsepower.

Both manual and semi-automatic gearboxes are offered, and all models are front-wheel drive.

After greeting the show-going public in Geneva, the redesigned 2013 Citroen C3 will land in showrooms across Europe in April. Pricing information will be published closer to the car's launch.

Mesaje: 723
Membru din: Joi 23-Feb-2012 10:03
Localitate: Iasi
Masina: Renault Scenis 2, 1.6 b, 2006

Mesajde Vasea30 » Vin 22-Feb-2013 15:54 ... 49806.html

Citroen C3 facelift: schimbĂŁri exterioare subtile Âşi un nou motor cu trei cilindri

Citroen aduce la Salonul de la Geneva versiunea facelift a lui C3. Modelul francez scapĂŁ de ridurile adunate ĂŽn primii trei ani de carierĂŁ ai actualei generaĂžii Âşi vine cu adĂŁugiri importante ĂŽn zona gamei de motoare.

Citroen a dezvĂŁluit astĂŁzi imaginile oficiale ale lui C3 facelift. Modelul de segment mic pe care constructorul francez ĂŽl aliniazĂŁ ĂŽn propria gamĂŁ primeÂşte astfel o binemeritatĂŁ ĂŽmprospĂŁtare stilisticĂŁ Âşi o uÂşoarĂŁ ĂŽmbunĂŁtĂŁĂžire tehnologicĂŁ, cele mai importante apariĂžii find cele ale unor echipamente hi-tech speciale Âşi a unui motor nou cu doar trei cilindri, premierĂŁ ĂŽn gama Citroen.

La nivel estetic, modificãrile sunt moderate, dar fac parte din pachetul nou oferit de noul Citroen C3. Modelul francez primeºte o faþã modificatã uºor în care ies în evidenþã luminile de zi LED montate în spoiler ºi noua siglã. În spate, stopurile se modificã ºi ele uºor, subliniind direcþia mai degrabã subtilã pe care au ales sã marºeze designerii mãrcii. În lista de noutãþi prezentate de C3 apare ºi o nouã nuanþã exterioarã, Ink Blue, numãrul total al culorilor lui Citroen C3 ajungând acum la nouã.

Pe lângã vârfurile deja cunoscute ale lui Citroen C3 - parbrizul panoramic Zenith ºi un sistem integrat de reÎmprospãtare a aerului - modelul francez pluseazã cu o camerã pentru marºarier ºi cu care apare de acum În lista de opÞiuni hi-tech disponibile alãturi de deja exixtentele Connecting Box (care include Bluetooth cu handsfree, prizã USB ºi Aux) ºi un sistem de sunet HiFi.

Noutatea principalã adusã de noul Citroen C3 este Însã un motor cu trei cilindri botezat oficial PureTech. Acesta vine În douã versiuni de cilindree - de 1.0 sau 1.2 litri - ºi afiºeazã douã niveluri de putere: 68 sau 82 de cai. Acestea promit un consum mic ºi emisii sub 100 de grame CO2/km În cazul unitãÞii de un litru. Deºi acest motor dezvoltat de PSA este disponibil În varianta sa de 1.2 litri În versiune supraalimentatã pe Peugeot 2008, Citroen C3 rãmâne deocamdatã fãrã acesta. Pentru iubitorii diesel-ului, Citroen a pregãtit pe C3 motoarele HDi de 70 ºi 90 CP, respectiv unitãÞile e-HDi de 70 ºi 115 CP.

via Citroen

15% mai multĂŁ putere dezvoltĂŁ ĂŽn medie noile motoare PureTech cu trei cilindri ĂŽn comparaĂžie cu vechile unitĂŁĂži cu patru cilindri.

25% este reducerea consumului noilor motoare PureTech faÞã de cifrele pe care le anunÞau unitãÞile vechi pe benzinã.

3 milioane de exemplare Citroen C3 au fost vândute În toatã lumea din 2002, anul apariÞiei pe piaÞã a modelului.







Mesaje: 723
Membru din: Joi 23-Feb-2012 10:03
Localitate: Iasi
Masina: Renault Scenis 2, 1.6 b, 2006

Mesajde Vasea30 » Sâm 23-Feb-2013 21:22

New Citroen C3 (Official Video 2013) : ... G7078mdCJE

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